Thursday, January 13, 2022

A Statement from Bishop-Elect Lyons

It is with a wide mix of emotions that I have received and accepted the election of our College of Bishops to join them as a co-laborer in episcopal office in the role of Auxiliary Bishop for the American Catholic Communities. As Bishop Bell shared in his announcement to the Diocese, the current plan is for me to work with him over the course of the next few years. During this time, I will be experiencing episcopal ministry alongside him and deepening relationships with the people, consecrated religious, and clergy of the diocese as I prepare to transition into the role of Bishop Ordinary when he transitions his focus to the role of Presiding Bishop of our global Communion.

As some of you already know, 2022 is the twenty-fifth anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. Throughout this quarter-century of ministry, I have been privileged to share in the joys and the sorrows of many. In every circumstance, when I walk away from a situation or experience, it has been repeatedly confirmed to me that YAHWEH is most fully active and present when I am able to set myself aside and allow Christ to live within me. In the months to come, I would ask clergy throughout our diocese, our consecrated religious, and indeed all the faithful to lift me up in prayer, that this aspiration (drawn from Saint Paul’s words in Galatians 2:20) may be more firmly impressed upon my spirit as I approach the day of my consecration.

I would also like to especially invite your prayers for my wife, Kristen, and our three children – Clare, Brendan, and Grace, and for our family as a whole during this transition. Please pray for us to rejoice in the myriad of ways that YAHWEH speaks into our lives daily and invites us to surrender ourselves more fully to his good pleasure. Please pray, as well, for our church-planting work in Central Indiana which will continue during this time.

To Kristen, Clare, Brendan, and Grace: Thank you for your love, support, and for the joy you bring to my life. Throughout this journey, I will strive to be ever-more Christ-like for you.

To all of my Christian brothers and sisters: Please know of my deep love for you, and my desire to get to know you better as, in the coming years, I visit your parishes, breaking open the Word, celebrating the Sacraments, and listening to your hearts.

To the Consecrated Religious resident in the Diocese: Know of my special affection for your ministry of prayer, service, and intercession on behalf of all, and, in your charity, please pray that my unworthiness for this role may be transformed through the ever-present power of the Spirit.

To my brother Priests: It has been my privilege to serve alongside you over the years. It is my greatest desire to be present to each of you with an open heart and deep listening in the years to come, and to labor together in our corner of the Vineyard to bring forth a harvest rich in faith. I look forward to our labors together.

Finally, to the College of Bishops: Your voice of confidence in me resonates deeply, after nearly two-years of a pandemic in which, at times, things seem and feel bleak. Thank you for affirming what you see the Lord doing in me, for promising your guidance as I mature into this role, and for holding our family close to your hearts in prayer.

In Christ, our Risen Lord, I strive to be your servant.