Vocations and Incardination

We are often asked how clergy might enter into the process of incardinating with the American Catholic Communities, or how individuals can begin exploring a vocational calling. Here we offer a brief summary as a starting point for those who are interested.


Current members of the clergy who are discerning the future of their ministry, who find themselves considering a Catholic ecclesial jurisdiction, are welcome and encouraged to inquire. Likewise, those who have stepped away from ministry due to various circumstances may discover the American Catholic Communities to be a place of refuge. Clergy who have already been ordained by a bishop in  apostolic succession are eligible for reception and incardination. Clergy from other Christian traditions are eligible for training in our unique beliefs, polity, and practices leading to ordination by a bishop. 


Those seeking to discern a calling to ordained ministry or the religious life are likewise welcomed to reach out. We are happy to journey with you and explore your calling. Should a monastic life be a part of what is discerned, we will also network you with the Cistercian Order of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, our Communion's religious order. 


Please use the Contact Form on the right side of the page to get in touch.
We look forward to hearing from you!