Core Beliefs and Distinctives

The American Catholic Communities are the North American presence of the Communion of International Catholic Communities, a creedal Christian denomination flowing from the Old Catholic tradition. In order to introduce ourselves, we provide the following brief summary of both our core beliefs as well as some of our distinctives. More information is contained in "Our Common Life", which can be ordered from our Bookstore page.


We share the same basic beliefs of all Christians as expressed in the words of Sacred Scripture, and summarized in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. 

We acknowledge the presence and power of God in our midst as we worship, and in a particular way in the Sacraments we celebrate in fellowship with God and with one another. 

We maintain the ancient structure of bishops, priests, and deacons as ordained servants of God and his people. 

We see the marriage of a husband and wife as a reflection of the relationship between Christ and bride, the Church.


Clergy are permitted to marry, as are consecrated religious – if the constitution of their Order permits.

Women are encouraged to be more fully involved in the ministry of the Church and are welcomed to enter the ordained role of Deaconess.

Individuals who have experienced divorce and who seek to remarry can be reconciled to the church through the grace of God and are not excluded from the sacraments. In many circumstances, a divorced person may remarry within Church.

Artificial contraception that is non-abortifacient in nature is an issue of conscience between husband, wife, and God.

Each believer is an equal part of the Church, possessing their own unique gifts and talents to contribute to the mission of the Gospel. Therefore, lay people are encouraged to play a prominent role in the Church.

We seek to exclude no Christian from the sacraments. Baptism is the gateway to the sacramental life, and all baptized Christians who are properly disposed are welcomed to participate in the Sacraments in our Churches.