Monday, May 1, 2023

2023 Convergence Retreat Examines Authority, The Digital World, Meditation, and Mental Health

Saint Benedict's Abbey in Benet Lake, Wisconsin was the site for the 2023 COICC Convergence Retreat.  In addition to clergy from throughout the United States and beyond, three lay observers joined from Divine Mercy (Aurora, CO) and Saint Martin's (Menominee Falls, WI).

After gathering for dinner, Evening Prayer, and fellowship upon arrival, two full days were spent in prayer, Eucharistic celebration, and learning.

After presenting parish and communion reports, Bishop Lyons presented on the nature of authority. In his teaching, he pointed out that authority is frequently paired with mercy in the scriptural narrative, and called the clergy and people to recall this frequently throughout their lives.

Archbishop Bell presented two sessions on the challenges and opportunities posed by the growing influence of the digital world, including information on the psychological design behind common social media programs and websites, and issued a call to the clergy in particular to participate in bringing content of purpose and faith to the forefront through their use of social media and other online outlets.

Abbot Bernard Benedict shared reflections on meditation in a Catholic context, including information on the physiological and psychological impact of meditative practice, but the spiritual rooting and aims of meditation. Those assembled were then given the opportunity to practice meditative engagement with Scripture, which brought forth fruitful conversation. Many of those who spread out across the Abbey property came back with similar observations on peace and its rooting in our ministries and our lives.

A session on mental health was also provided, with Archbishop Todd presenting valuable information on suicide prevention. 

A review of proposed updates to Canon Law, discussion on future directions for the Communion, and a Clergy Roundtable rounded out the week's events.

Archbishop Bell and all in attendance wish to express our appreciation to the Benedictine Monks and Retreat Center Staff of Saint Benedict's Abbey for their hospitality for this week of growth and transformation. Planning is underway for the 2024 Retreat, and more information will be available by the end of August.